Something Happened, what did I do wrong?
A door was slammed, names were called, fists were put through walls, and now I have to go. I am given a trash bag and told to pack my things. I pack a few items of clothes, a pair of shoes, some socks, my tooth brush, and a few pictures of my family and friends into a bag normally reserved for trash. I look around the room at my bed, gifts I was given at Christmas and birthdays, and posters I put on the wall realizing they won't fit into the trash bag. I write down as many names, phone numbers, and addresses I know so I can keep in contact with friends and family. Where will I be going? Will they be nice? Will they yell at me? Will they hit me sometimes too? No one asked me if I wanted to leave, I have no control over anything.
I'm at my new place now, parents seem nice enough. My room is ok. I'm now unpacking my trash bag. I miss my family, I miss being part of a family. It feels like I'm a tumor growing on the side of a family now. I live here, but I'm that other kid. I miss my old place. I wish I wouldn't have messed that up. I don't know why I have to be this way. Know wonder no one wants me, why would they. I am always messing everything up. This time it will be different. I will be good I promise. I will show them I can be good.
Something happened again...
This is a very sad reality for many young people today. Being moved from parents home to grandparents home, from mom's home to dad's home, or from foster home to foster home. Feelings of loneliness, abandonment, and fear are an everyday reality. A reality these young men think is their fault, a reality that they may believe they can't escape from.
Freedom Gates Boys Ranch is committed to the call of showing young men they have a choice and a chance to change the direction of their lives. The young men come hear will always know that our love for them is not based on their actions toward us, that their past does not have to dictate their future, and that if given the proper tools, they can build a life and a family of honor and integrity.
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