Thank you for your partnership
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also"--Matt 6:21
*Freedom Gates Boys Ranch is completely donor supported. We consider the stewardship of your financial giving to be a privilege and a tremendous responsibility. We thank you for choosing to help us provide a sanctuary for the lost and hurting
"To make a financial contribution, you can:
Send a check to: Freedom Gates Boys Ranch, PO Box 103, Kiowa, KS 67070
Send a check to: Freedom Gates Boys Ranch, PO Box 103, Kiowa, KS 67070
Complete an ACH form to have funds transferred from your bank every month.
Give online using PayPal
We understand that not everyone is in a position to give financially, but perhaps you have other gifts to offer. You can consider volunteering your time, food, or other talents/ resources. Alternatively, you can become a prayer partner and receive regular prayer requests. Simply click the 'Volunteer' button to get started."